Please consider donating household or maintenance supplies; or your time and services to FYNDout Free. If you want to help with anything on the list, please call the front desk at 907-455-8255 or email

Donations can be dropped off Monday through Thursday at 4474 Pikes Landing Road 10 am to 3 pm; call for other times.

ITEMS NEEDED (as of March 2025)

  • Size 5 & 6 Diapers & 4T-5T Pull-ups

  • Baby Wipes (NOT Costco Kirkland)

  • Gender Neutral Newborn Onesies

  • New Car Seats (preferred one here)


  • Perennials Please! Flowers like: Delphiniums, Columbine, Forget Me Nots, Trollius, Peonies, Poppies, Lilies, Pasque, etc.

  • Bushes like: Honeyberry/Haskap, blueberry, currant, ornamental cherry, etc.

  • Trees like: Saskatoons, Fruit trees (but not choke-cherry), amur maple, etc.


Check out our Boutique Amazon Wish List here.

Check out our Office Amazon Wish List here.

Check out our Diapers Wipes & Formula Amazon Wish List here

We appreciate you all SO much!